Saturday, December 11, 2010

Why my kids have labels..

The school told me my son was broken.  And his doctor confirmed it.  He has severe ADHD.  I refuse to put him through the torture of pharmaceutical medicines because I don't want his serotonin levels to be messed with.  That preludes a lifetime full of serotonin imbalances and more medicines to help treat it.  So we skip the pills.  And the schools hate me for it.  So, in January--after all the Christmas stuff is done at school, I'm pulling Logan out and we will homeschool.  I'm excited.  The only part that makes me nervous is the whole "homeschool kids are socially awkward" thing.  But, let's face it, I went to public school for thirteen years and I'm socially awkward..

Laney has Celiac Disease.  It took several months to diagnose her.  First it was "normal" crying, then gas, then colic, then reflux, then GERD, then an allergy of some sort (that they couldn't find of course), and on and on and on. Then I was told that it was my boob milk and that she HAD to be on formula.   By the time she was 8 months old she weighed 9lbs 2oz and was diagnosed "Failure to Thrive".  All the while she was nursing almost non stop.  SO. I took her to the most amazing, prestigious, equipped hospital I could find and they diagnosed her with Celiac Disease.  I eliminated gluten from my diet and hers and she gained 10lbs in one month.  So, now she's "fixed" and I'm thankful for the doctors that finally gave us the correct diagnosis.  But now we're being pressured (and have been for months) to get a colon biopsy.  I refuse to make her undergo that because it's unnecessary.  She just doesn't eat gluten.  And it works for us.  I will not force her to have a piece of her colon pinched off just so they can label her broken.  She just doesn't eat gluten.  And it works.  End of story.  No need to pinch off a piece of her butthole after she hasn't eaten for over 24 hours and has been put under anesthesia and forced to drink something that tastes like crap.  She's been through enough.  And I'm the mama and I say that she will not have to endure that at 20 months old.

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