Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Fat Fat Fatty.

*I normally use this blog to talk about peaceful parenting and my journey through parenting but I want to use it for something different today. Humor me.

My whole body jiggles when I vigorously towel dry my hair.

Sometimes I have a muffin top.

I have cellulite on my thighs.

I have stretch mark scars on my belly.

My boobs are small.

When I stop waving, my upper arms keep going at it.

Depending on how I hold my face I have a double chin.

My hips are wide.

My butt is big.

I'm not "perfectly" toned and sculpted.

But my body is HOT.
Awesomely, amazingly hot.
Know why?  Because my body was able to carry, birth, and nourish two children.  I'm not toned like the girls on TV or magazines.  But my body is absolutely amazing.  I'm not ashamed of my stretch marks.  Because they are a reminder of the beautiful beings who grew in my belly.

I'm a size 12/14.  And I'm good with that.  I feel amazing.  And I love my body.  Even when I was a size 20 I felt good.  Because I know who I am.  I know what my amazing body can do.  It can give and sustain life.  That's pretty incredible.

So, although my body isn't what Hollywood producers would call "hot", it is.  Who cares what they say?

So I will:
Wear a bikini (and work it).

Have some dessert when I want it.

Wear awesome jeans---Ladies!  Do NOT forfeit to mom jeans!

Walk right up into Victoria's Secret and wear my purchase with pride.

Walk into a room like I'm the most beautiful thing ever and own it.

Because, GUESS WHAT?  I'm not a fat fat fatty, world!  And neither are the rest of these amazing, beautiful mothers who have gone through pregnancy, childbirth, and are nursing or have nursed.  We're hot.  Our stretch marks are hot.  Our wide hips are hot.  Because our bodies can do amazing things.

"I'm so crafty I make people." ~Don't know who the quote is by.. but they're brilliant.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so crafty I make people....one of my favoritest quotes ever!! :) You rock mama!
