Sunday, December 19, 2010

Kids Misbehaving? SPANK 'EM!

You have spank your kids.
You're doing the rest of the world a disservice if you don't.
You know, even the Bible says "Spare the rod, spoil the child".

These are several of the things I have heard from people.  I'm not going to say I have never spanked.  That would be untrue.  In fact, I got a lot of misguided advice from misguided people and I listened so spanking used to be our main form of discipline for Logan

I don't believe I've mentioned it before, but I'm a Christian.  And a mom.  And I hear often that it's in the Bible that you must spank your children.  Well, I'd like to share my viewpoint on spanking and the Christian parent.  Because some people think that they have to spank their children because the "Bible says so".  That's untrue.  "Spare the rod, spoil the child" is actually not a scripture at all.  It's a quote derived from a scripture and I think it's misconstrued.

If one of you can find one single scripture that clearly says that you must spank your children in order to raise them in a Christian manner, please show it to me.  Because I haven't found one.

Now, on to the whole thing about the "rod" and raising children.
The Bible says:
 "He who spares the rod hates his son but he who loves him is careful to discipline him." Proverbs 12:24
"The rod and rebuke give wisdom.." Proverbs 22:15

In biblical times a "rod" was something that shepherds used to guide their sheep and keep predators away.

  1. Shepherds used their tool to guide their sheep.  They didn't beat the sheep with the rod.  They used it to steer them and keep them on the proper path.  I think this is pretty self explanatory.  Use gentle discipline to guide your children and keep them on the path that they should go.
  2. Shepherds used the rod to beat predators in order to keep them away from their flocks.   The allusion here is also evident.  Use your position, maturity, life experience, and authority to keep your child from harm.  Use your tools to keep your children safe from the things that may harm them.
Another meaning of the word "rod" is a stout walking stick.  This was used to assist it's owner in maneuvering and climbing rocky or difficult terrain.  Again, nothing is struck with the rod in this scenario.

A rod is also used as a scepter of authority or symbol of a king's power.  I interpret this to mean that, while treating your child with respect and dignity, they must know that you are in charge and that the boundaries you set for them should be adhered to.

The term "rod of correction" is also used in the Bible.  It says "Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish them with the rod, they will not die" Proverbs 23:13
The Bible does not lie.  I believe every single word of it.
Fact: An estimated 1,740 children a year die in the US because of corporal punishment.  
The Bible is true.  The whole, entire thing.  Every word.  So, this clearly means that we are to guide our children with a metaphorical rod.  Not a literal one.  No child has ever died because their parents used guidelines, gentle discipline, and loving guidance.

One last point.
When "rod" is used in the Shebet passages in Proverbs, say "authority" every single time you come across the word "rod".  It fits every single time.  God speaks of His rod.  He guides us and molds us (and I am thankful!) but I've never personally been literally slapped by God.  I don't think any of us have.

"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." —2 Timothy 3:16-17

Oops!  I thought I was done and something else occurred to me as I was about to push the "publish" button.  

“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff—they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4

Now, the rod of God is comfort to me.  His guidance and wisdom and boundaries and love and discipline.  They are all a comfort to me.  Would God make us lie down in green pastures and then beat us with a stick? NO.  If God used a rod to beat me, I would have to say that it wouldn't be a comfort to me..  Such is the case with our children.  We use boundaries, guidelines, and love to teach them and lead them in the right direction and they are comforted by our presence and the presence of their boundaries.  

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