Friday, June 10, 2011


Pull and Pray  also known as the withdrawal method, coitus interruptus, and no fun.

I mean, I hate hormonal contraceptives (for me.. not as a general rule).  And rubbers stink.  All I can think about while I'm trying to get jiggy with it is "Boy, condoms sure do smell awful".  That'll get you on the fast track to happy orgasm land, lemme tell ya.  *sarcasm ends here*  So back to what I was saying:  I hate hormonal birth control and, well, most forms of birth control.

Natural Family Planning has worked really well for us and it's free, hormone free, easy, and effective.

But I'm curious about this Pull Out method.  I admit that we've used it but it seems to take the fun out of sex..  It changes up the dynamic quite a bit and you can't ever completely let yourself enjoy the experience.  

New studies show that the withdrawal method rivals condoms for birth control (PLEASE don't think that this method prevents STDs and STIs or you're going to end up with HERPAGONACYPHICLAP WARTS) and that with PERFECT use in a monogamous relationship it has a failure rate of only 4% (condoms have a 2% failure rate with PERFECT use).  This study claims that with typical use (meaning that every once in a while the hubby might make a small deposit of baby making juice into the 'ol vagina by accident) there is a failure rate of up to 18%.

I'm EXTREMELY curious about what other people think about this method of birth control.  Tell me about your experiences with this method and share with your friends and have them comment.  I want a variety of opinions on this and I want to know other peoples' thoughts.

I mean, I'm not too keen on jumping of the roller coaster in the middle of the ride, but I'd love to hear what y'all think!