Thursday, May 26, 2011


I promise to keep my mouth shut about controversial subjects in this blog post.  I also promise not to use the word penis.

Just kidding.

It's one of those things people really don't talk about.  Like peeing in the shower or the fact that when you brush your teeth it isn't all clean looking like it is on the toothpaste commercials.  It's just not discussed.  And that's why I didn't bring my whole son home from the hospital.

(did I just say circumcision?  yeah... I did.)
We circumcised our son.  Daddy Stump didn't want to.  But I insisted because of the general consensus and misinformation "out there" about uncircumcised penises.  The fact is that only about one fifth of males worldwide are circumcised.  And guess what?  It's absolutely, 100% unnecessary.  

I sincerely hope that one day my son doesn't ask me why I paid a doctor $150.00 to cut off part of his weenie.  

Some people say they do it for religious reasons.  Circumcision originated as a covenant between God and Abraham.  Afterward, in Romans, the Bible says:  
But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God. 
Romans 2:29

So religious reasons for circumcision are pretty much zero unless you feel a personal conviction about having your baby's foreskin removed.  

Some people claim that having a circumcised penis reduces the risk of transmitting AIDS, other STDs, and reduces the chances of a male having a urinary tract infection.  There is no scientific proof that these claims are true.  None.  And ask yourself:  Would you allow a female circumcision to be performed on your daughter to avoid a urinary tract infection?  No.  Why?  Because it's cruel and unnecessary?  Oh..

I also think that instead of removing a baby's foreskin so that they will have a lower chance of transmitting AIDS and STDs is bogus (if it was a fact that there was a higher risk of these things with an uncircumcised male.. which it isn't).  Wouldn't you agree that instilling morals, values, and principles in your child would be more important.  Instead of having them go through a painful, unnecessary procedure at birth, why not teach them to respect themselves and the women they're dating.  How about teaching them to avoid casual sex... or at the very least to use protection.  Teach them that a sexual relationship is something intimate and personal and should be between a husband and wife who love each other.  I think THAT would reduce the risk of them getting AIDS and STDs more than having them circumcised.  

Early Americans actually began circumcising babies because they wanted to deter them from masturbation..... ERRRRRRRR... IT DIDN'T WORK.  It doesn't matter whether a male is circumcised or uncircumcised, I'm sure they play with themselves.  

Dr. James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family, a Fundamentalist Christian advocacy organization, has written:

"It is my opinion that masturbation is not much of an issue with God. It is a normal part of adolescence which involves no one else. It does not cause disease. It does not produce babies, and Jesus did not mention it in the Bible. I'm not telling you to masturbate, and I hope you won't feel the need for it. But if you do, it is my opinion that you should not struggle with guilt over it. Why do I tell you this? Because I deal with so many Christian young people who are torn apart with guilt over masturbation; they want to stop and just can't. I would like to help you avoid that agony."

So, I think we have established that circumcision doesn't keep males from playing with their genitals.  It's just something they do.

Another reason that people say they are going to circumcise their boys is "It's easier to take care of".  This is ABSOLUTELY false.  You DO NOT EVER retract the foreskin while changing or cleaning a baby.   "When intact, don't retract."  "Only clean what it seen."  You clean an uncircumcised penis like you would clean a finger--just wipe it off.  Don't retract the foreskin.  The penis is like the vagina.. It's gonna take care of itself.

The one that takes the cake for me is "I want my son to look like his Daddy (or, in our case, brother)".  So, since your husband is going to walk around naked and compare penises with your son, are you going to go buy some pubic hair and glue it on your child as well?  You know, so they can match..  Sound ridiculous?  Because it is.

I understand not wanting your child to be "different".  It's actually the reason I went against my husband and had our son circumcised.  I didn't want him to be the one with the penis that looks like an anteater.  But, really, does it really matter?  Who is going to see your child's penis?  He's not going to flop it out and post a pic on your Facebook with a caption "HEY!  My penis is NORMAL because I'm CIRCUMCISED!".  His penis isn't going to be a public thing.

Some people may ask: "Why do you care what I do with my son's penis?".  Well, I'm just trying to spread the word.  I wish that someone who was educated and knowledgable about circumcision origins and the cold hard facts would have told me something.  Because I just didn't know.  I did it because it was normal.  It was what everyone else did.

Here are some facts about circumcision if you'd like to know more.

I'm not bashing circumcision.  I just want people to EDUCATE themselves about it.  It's important to know the facts.  Look at both sides and weigh your options.  After reading and researching, my husband and I have decided that we will absolutely not circumcise any future sons.  We have come to the conclusion that it's just not necessary or worth the risks.  If any of our uncircumcised children choose to be circumcised on their own later in life, that's fine.  It's their penis, their choice.  I'm not in a position to take that choice from them.  After a lot of reading, I've begun to believe that it's similar to giving your child a tattoo at birth.  Something that they may not want.  I just want people to make educated decisions and understand that it's not medically necessary.  Weigh the risks and benefits and come to your own conclusion.  And make sure you come to a mutual decision with your spouse.  That way you'll have no regrets when you bring your baby home.

Anyway, enough penis talk.  Just do your research folks.

1 comment:

  1. I'd always thought if I had a son I'd circumcise. Because of people like yourself I now know if I ever did have a son, he would remain whole. Now trying to convince my husband...well......
